Mr. Wendall
I am not sure what happened to me today....all day I was thinking about Mr. Wendall. I didn't know the one they sang about in the above song, but this song faded in and out of my head today, and my memories all cam back...
About 20 years ago I remember him walking past us as we were playing near the local elemtary school. He walked passed us carring a small brown paper bag with the top of the bottle visable and drapped over his left shoulder wasa shredded plastic garbage bag whcih held his meger belongings. Although it was mid July, he had on a dark green courdroy coat that would be perfect for the cold sub-zero temperatures we expected to see in January and a pair of tattered slacks over dark brown pants. His big toe stuck out of the front of his hightop athletic schools that didn't even have laces. I thought surely that is why he walked with a wabble....but later discovered it wsa the alcohol he consumed from sun up to sun down that affected his balance. As he walked passed us, his blood shot eyes came into view and he let out a huge grunt. That is what scared us at first! We thought for sure he would try to kidnap or hurt us. We ran home like lunatics yelling and screaming.
We would run into him almost daily....brown paper bag in his right hand, his left clinging to his garabage bag. He would aimless walk around day in and day out collecting bottles and cans to return to the liquor store to buy alcohol. If he collected 60 bottles then he could get a huge bottle of vodka that would last him all day. Just as the sun rises in the morning everyday, this guy would walk toward us as the sun set in the West every evening. Every day. Cluching his brown bag, shuffling his feet forward. He would often just pass out wherever he was and lay on the grass until he woke up to continue on his way.
I am sure we all have come across a Mr. Wendall at one time or another in our lives. I wish we could have helped our Mr. Wendall in some way. I know his life here on Earth was tough and I am sure at the rate he was drinking he has since passed away. I do hope that he is in a better place and he has forgiven me and my friends for all the bad things we said and did to him. I can't hide behind the fact that I was just a naive kid, we knew right from wrong and it's made me feel really bad about myself that I could be that mean. And although he never really said much, he left a lasting impression on me and taught me a lot about life, how tough it can be at times and how quickly it can turn on ya.
Out to "Early" Lunch!!
Had training at work Monday morning....so I told M.M. the night before that I would meet him at 8:45 at the visitor's center. We're not technically supposed to park there, but I am all about breaking the rules and keeping the "rent-a-cops" on their toes!! Earlier that morning I got up and ready and headed out the door. Yep, a very rare occurence for me to get up and ready so quickly. On the way to the office I called him, keeping an eye out for the lurking police cruisers just waiting to write me a ticket for talking on the phone and driving. S.M. tells me he is finished getting ready. (Later I find out that he was running around the house like he was on fire looking for his keys. S. tells him to take hers and as she pulls out a set of keys from her purse, Lo and Behold, they are his!! He got caught in traffic and as he got closer to work I think he was doing 110 down the 25 mph school zone road.) So I arrive at 8:45 and he's obviously not there...at 8:50 I see the other attendees enter the traning hall. I know some of them, but I'm still fairly "new" and I want to make a good first impression, and well I can't wait for M. any longer cause it's 8:55. I will let him embarrass himself. I head toward the hall...on the way, I see S.P. and he also asks about M. I tell him he's probably gonna be late so we should head in. It's in the basement of the building and as I get up to get coffee, I pull my phone out and notice a missed call; I must have been out of area as we were in the basement of the building and I didn't hear the phone ring. I called him back and he tells me he just go to the visitor's center. We walk into the hall together and the facilitator stops his lecture, looks over at us and mubles something....I couldn't hear....but the entire room errupts in laughter. The red somehow shows through my lightly colored olive skin. We settle into seats toward the back or the room. 20 minutes later two people walk in and the speak doesn't say a word to them!!! How rude to embarrass us, but spare these two!!! All of a sudden there is a LOUD BOOMING KNOCK on the emergency exit doors. Everyone turns around and looks as me as if to say, answer the door. I get up go over to the door and open it. It is a security guard and by this time I am sure they are coming to get me and M to tell us we parked in the wrong lot. I didn't turn around to see M's face, but I am sure he was shaking in his seat. If the guard asked for us by name, we'd never hear the end of it. Luckily she motions over her shoulder to the catering service employee and he wheels in the refreshments! At last it's break time and time to mingle and snack on the food. We (S, M and me and also by this time our colleague R is with us) are told that we "are free to leave"! He doesn't even finish the phrase by the time we are packed up and halfway up the stairs. It's 10:30 and way too early for lunch. We decide to go out for breakfast...the four of us. We all look at one another...we know if we get caught there would be hell to pay. Other groups are so jealous of our group and would love to highlight the fact that we slack off when we should be working. Our group is split between two different sites that are divided by a wide river, and our department consists of roughly 100 people. We are at one site and our boss is at another...he won't even know we are gone. I mention that I want everyone to swear to secrecy and for covering each of our @$$es. So we go around and each one pledges not the snitch on the others if asked. We decide to go to diner far from the office, you know just so we are not spotted.
When we get there all hell breaks loose...we are wild and obnoxious! Talking about everything under the sun....and the conversations even went into R rated topics and even NC-17. Good thing there were not many customers and even the few that were there quickly finished their meals and walked out...eyeing our table and they left. After 1.5 hours of sitting talking and laughing, we figure we better head back and attempt to do some work. But we were working....working on team building! I really had a great time with you guys...and for sure we'll do it again very soon. Maybe we'll schedule a staff meeting that is offsite...maybe head to the minature golf place too!
A, sorry we didn't invite you....but you were in Beantown. And boss, we'll invite you next time....you just had so many meeting on your calendar!! And M, S or R if I hear anyone mention this to anyone, I am sure you know d@mn well what I will do to you, your wives, or even your kids! That river outside our office could be a nice place to try out those cement boots and the shark infested ocean is a very short boat ride away! Got it, good!!
When we get there all hell breaks loose...we are wild and obnoxious! Talking about everything under the sun....and the conversations even went into R rated topics and even NC-17. Good thing there were not many customers and even the few that were there quickly finished their meals and walked out...eyeing our table and they left. After 1.5 hours of sitting talking and laughing, we figure we better head back and attempt to do some work. But we were working....working on team building! I really had a great time with you guys...and for sure we'll do it again very soon. Maybe we'll schedule a staff meeting that is offsite...maybe head to the minature golf place too!
A, sorry we didn't invite you....but you were in Beantown. And boss, we'll invite you next time....you just had so many meeting on your calendar!! And M, S or R if I hear anyone mention this to anyone, I am sure you know d@mn well what I will do to you, your wives, or even your kids! That river outside our office could be a nice place to try out those cement boots and the shark infested ocean is a very short boat ride away! Got it, good!!
Leaving on Jet Plane.....

I am leaving a jet plane tomorrow!! Yes I am so excited...even though I've taken this exact same plane every two or three weeks for just over two months now and countless times over the past few years. I love the fact that there are no tickets, no worry about parking and whether it is more economical to park in short term or long term for a 5 day trip, no TSA to worry about, no frisking of passengers, no baggage sercurity checks and best of all, I don't have to tip the baggage handlers! They even serve delicious unlimited snacks (several types of fresh fruit, beef jerky, M&Ms and various candies and assorted cookies) and countless drinks on board. The only way it could get better is for you to actually have the snack/drink pantry right in the seat pocket in front of you! Prior to landing they come round with mints and entire packs of Trident gum! And they even have hot towels!! Real towels, people!!!! A downside that I don't mind too much, but my fellow passengers dislike, is the "no alcohol" policy. I haven't seen anyone try to bring it on board to mix with their Coke, tonic, or OJ yet. From door to door it's just a 2.5 hour flight for me, that with other airlines and from the closest commercial airport would end up being atleast a 5 hour flight...if not more. That is like 1/3 of the way to Jordan!!
One day when I am wealthly(like in great quantities of molah, greenbacks, dough, and cheddar) I will buy this type plane...and remodel it to have huge bathrooms and bedrooms! Speaking of bedrooms on planes...check out http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A9900-2004Dec18?language=printer What a great idea! I wonder how much the fares are going for?
Wish me a pleasant flight and great stay at my destination!
You gotta love Grandma's!
Mom said the follwoing (quote below) to daughter, about mom's mom (daughters 93 year old grandmother). The grandma is in a nursing home and is losing it slightly....
"What would I do without my mother? She heard I was getting married this afternoon and she made them call me so she could tell me the diamond ring I got is fake - he got it from her dresser drawer."
"What would I do without my mother? She heard I was getting married this afternoon and she made them call me so she could tell me the diamond ring I got is fake - he got it from her dresser drawer."
I don't think I can say it any better.....
I hope and pray that one day the two can live side by side in peace and harmony and that children can be children. Enough bloodshed on both sides and I add my voice to those saying, enough in enough! I hope that one day the powers at the top, realize this.
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