I am leaving a jet plane tomorrow!! Yes I am so excited...even though I've taken this exact same plane every two or three weeks for just over two months now and countless times over the past few years. I love the fact that there are no tickets, no worry about parking and whether it is more economical to park in short term or long term for a 5 day trip, no TSA to worry about, no frisking of passengers, no baggage sercurity checks and best of all, I don't have to tip the baggage handlers! They even serve delicious unlimited snacks (several types of fresh fruit, beef jerky, M&Ms and various candies and assorted cookies) and countless drinks on board. The only way it could get better is for you to actually have the snack/drink pantry right in the seat pocket in front of you! Prior to landing they come round with mints and entire packs of Trident gum! And they even have hot towels!! Real towels, people!!!! A downside that I don't mind too much, but my fellow passengers dislike, is the "no alcohol" policy. I haven't seen anyone try to bring it on board to mix with their Coke, tonic, or OJ yet. From door to door it's just a 2.5 hour flight for me, that with other airlines and from the closest commercial airport would end up being atleast a 5 hour flight...if not more. That is like 1/3 of the way to Jordan!!
One day when I am wealthly(like in great quantities of molah, greenbacks, dough, and cheddar) I will buy this type plane...and remodel it to have huge bathrooms and bedrooms! Speaking of bedrooms on planes...check out http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A9900-2004Dec18?language=printer What a great idea! I wonder how much the fares are going for?
Wish me a pleasant flight and great stay at my destination!
Have a safe and a pleasant trip and a very nice stay at your destination!!
MFA, Thanks so much for coming by and your well wishes!
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