
I bat 0 for 3 and we're 0 and 2

We lost again Monday night....and of course I did nothing to help my team. We'll I can't say nothing....I have a great catch that the circling wind took on a journey before it found the bottom of my glove! I had to show off my 15" vertical leaping ability by jumping to catch it before it quicly floated over my head. But my hitting, I continue to lead my team in strike outs, with two that night. One on a foul ball after the second strike and one swinging wildly before the ball even made it home plate....there was one strike I watched float by thinking I won't see another perfect pitch to hit like that one tonight. RATS!!! What is going on with me??!?!? I am officially in a hitting slump. Two strike outs in one game, I can go whole season without striking out. I guess I will be hitting the batting cages this weekend. On by second at bat, I took 3 straight balls and got the BB. Yeah it's three because in this league everyone starts with a count of 1 ball and 1 strike before they even get up to the plate. And also in this league, there is an additional outfielder allowed. That makes for 11 players in the field...they say the game moves faster....but I don't like either of these modifications one bit! I grew up playing baseball and moved to softball as I starting playing against other adults...and am used to their rules and flow of the game. My strong points include being able to place the ball anywhere on the field when I hit and track the ball down when playing the outfield. Lately though, my hitting confidence has been shaken and I let the pitcher shake me after I get behind in the count....it doesn't help that the opposing bench tends to get under my skin rather quickly. I actually invited one of their dugout teammates to join me in the batter's box on Monday so I could hear clearly the trash he was spewing from his mouth....he "politely" declined. ;-) I have to play it cool and let my playing do all my talking. We'll see on Monday if I come out swinging and can take one over the fence! I will let you know.....

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