
Is it haram....

...to skip fasting so that you can donate blood? In a personal plea from the governor to the president of my company, the governor has asked him to send out similar plea to get as many people to donate as possible at our regular onsite blood drives scheduled for tomorrow and Thursday.

There is currently a blood emergency, where supplies of blood for tranfusions are at dangerously low levels at most a few hours. I am O- which is in high demand as it can be given to anyone. With over 6000 units of blood collected in the past 3 years at my company's blood drives, helping well over 20,000 people, you can see where every donor counts and how being the largest employer in the state, huge amounts of blood can be collected. I donate every 8 weeks and unfortunately Thursday is my next scheduled one.

So you can see my problem. What do you think? Skip a day fasting so that I can donate.


Anonymous said...

It's totally Halal to breakfast to save someone's life. There is actually a campaign on Dubai TV that specifically shows this scenario
A guy gets a call from a doctor who tells him to eat something before he gets there. The guy grabs a bite and rushes to the hospital, while getting dirty look from a woman who didn't really understand (and didn't adhere to the possibility that the young man might have a valid reason for breaking fast) He gets to the hospital and saves a life.

People who donate can't do it like 5 times in a month, it's probably once every 8 weeks so if it falls in Ramada, it's totally Halal to break fast to serve the greater good of saving a human life

It also follows the Fiqh rule, "دفع الضرر مقدم على جلب المنفعة" or loosely, pushing away harm is prefered to brining benifit. And donating blood pushes away greater harm than the benefit someone gets when they fast.

Me said...

i cannot offer fatwa, but i think if you skip fasting to save lives,then go ahead and do it, but you have to make up for the day you did not fast! :)