Family Meals....A thing of the past?
Growing up, we usually had only one meal together as a family. That was dinner during the week and breakfast on the weekends. With different times for the start of the school day for my siblings and I, we all waited for our turn in the bathroom if we wanted to shower in the morning, otherwise we stood in line for the half-bathroom, that consisted of a sink, mirror and toilet. Weekday breakfasts consisted of oatmeal or cereal and milk. But for dinner, the menu contained a wide variety of culinary delights. One day it was spaghetti with sauce, the next would be tacos, while pizza with the crust made from scratch made it's way to the table at least once per week. That was one of the advantages of having a stay at home mom! Of course, the palette pleasing Arabic foods found their ways into our mouths as well. The delicious, magloubeh, kufta, shish kabob, chicken tawook, accompanied salad, tabouleh, and a variety of other side dishes. Same procedure day in day out.....get home from school....work on homework then at 5:30 it was time for dinner. Mom would ask one of the kids to help her with last minute preparations, then it was time to dig in! I remember the TV was in the living room and if you got the right chair, you could eat dinner and watch TV...but hearing it?? Forget about it...there was no way to hear over the discussions and roars of laughter!
The weekends were quite the affair! Everyone rolled out of bed at different times...but the last to rise was around 9:00 am. That allowed for everyone to be involved in making brunch. Now this is what I looked forward to every Saturday and Sunday. I usually woke up at 6 and waited for the TV stations to start broadcasting...yep...I am aging myself. From 4 am to around 7:00 am the major stations in our area stopped broadcasting. They only showed the time and the vertical bars in the colors of the rainbow....and that God awful long tone...that could drive you insane. And you didn't dare turn the volume down, because if you did then you ran the risk of missing the first few minutes of the Saturday morning cartoons!! And that is what all the kids watched in those days! There was no cartoon network or Space Toons....nothing like that...cartoons were only shown on Saturday mornings. My favorite was Superfriends (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superfriends), featuring Superman, Aqua Man, Wonderwomen, the Wonder Twins, Batman, and the Boy Wonder Robin. I loved that show and the Hall of Justice!! Ah, great times!! Sometime I would get so hungry that a bowl of cereal would keep me until the hot breakfast was prepared. My parents like to sleep in, but when the go up the preparations for breakfast began! Dad would open cans of Fava Beans to make foul, Chick Peas for humus. Mom would get out the olives and cheese. The last thing made was either the eggs and cheese or Agyeh, or as I like to call them Arabic Pancakes. Sometimes, we just had eggs and pancakes, the light and fluffy kind with syrup that always seem to drip on my chin and pajamas! I didn't really wear pajama, I wore a dishdasheh a few times..but that was so uncomfortable...so I usually resorted to wearing shorts or sweatpants and t-shirt! But as soon as the table was set, mom heated the bread and everyone stopped talking and ate! And ate and ate and ate! It was so delicious....every time!
As we got older, these occasions seems to disappeared. Now we only have these breakfasts and dinners on special occasions and holidays. I am not sure about my siblings and parents, but I cherish the ones we have as I know they unfortunately will become far and few between as the months and years pass. I am sure we will continue the same traditions when we have families of our own, and of course I will make dad's famous humus to serve to my kids and grandkids!
The weekends were quite the affair! Everyone rolled out of bed at different times...but the last to rise was around 9:00 am. That allowed for everyone to be involved in making brunch. Now this is what I looked forward to every Saturday and Sunday. I usually woke up at 6 and waited for the TV stations to start broadcasting...yep...I am aging myself. From 4 am to around 7:00 am the major stations in our area stopped broadcasting. They only showed the time and the vertical bars in the colors of the rainbow....and that God awful long tone...that could drive you insane. And you didn't dare turn the volume down, because if you did then you ran the risk of missing the first few minutes of the Saturday morning cartoons!! And that is what all the kids watched in those days! There was no cartoon network or Space Toons....nothing like that...cartoons were only shown on Saturday mornings. My favorite was Superfriends (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superfriends), featuring Superman, Aqua Man, Wonderwomen, the Wonder Twins, Batman, and the Boy Wonder Robin. I loved that show and the Hall of Justice!! Ah, great times!! Sometime I would get so hungry that a bowl of cereal would keep me until the hot breakfast was prepared. My parents like to sleep in, but when the go up the preparations for breakfast began! Dad would open cans of Fava Beans to make foul, Chick Peas for humus. Mom would get out the olives and cheese. The last thing made was either the eggs and cheese or Agyeh, or as I like to call them Arabic Pancakes. Sometimes, we just had eggs and pancakes, the light and fluffy kind with syrup that always seem to drip on my chin and pajamas! I didn't really wear pajama, I wore a dishdasheh a few times..but that was so uncomfortable...so I usually resorted to wearing shorts or sweatpants and t-shirt! But as soon as the table was set, mom heated the bread and everyone stopped talking and ate! And ate and ate and ate! It was so delicious....every time!
As we got older, these occasions seems to disappeared. Now we only have these breakfasts and dinners on special occasions and holidays. I am not sure about my siblings and parents, but I cherish the ones we have as I know they unfortunately will become far and few between as the months and years pass. I am sure we will continue the same traditions when we have families of our own, and of course I will make dad's famous humus to serve to my kids and grandkids!
Mr. Wendall
I am not sure what happened to me today....all day I was thinking about Mr. Wendall. I didn't know the one they sang about in the above song, but this song faded in and out of my head today, and my memories all cam back...
About 20 years ago I remember him walking past us as we were playing near the local elemtary school. He walked passed us carring a small brown paper bag with the top of the bottle visable and drapped over his left shoulder wasa shredded plastic garbage bag whcih held his meger belongings. Although it was mid July, he had on a dark green courdroy coat that would be perfect for the cold sub-zero temperatures we expected to see in January and a pair of tattered slacks over dark brown pants. His big toe stuck out of the front of his hightop athletic schools that didn't even have laces. I thought surely that is why he walked with a wabble....but later discovered it wsa the alcohol he consumed from sun up to sun down that affected his balance. As he walked passed us, his blood shot eyes came into view and he let out a huge grunt. That is what scared us at first! We thought for sure he would try to kidnap or hurt us. We ran home like lunatics yelling and screaming.
We would run into him almost daily....brown paper bag in his right hand, his left clinging to his garabage bag. He would aimless walk around day in and day out collecting bottles and cans to return to the liquor store to buy alcohol. If he collected 60 bottles then he could get a huge bottle of vodka that would last him all day. Just as the sun rises in the morning everyday, this guy would walk toward us as the sun set in the West every evening. Every day. Cluching his brown bag, shuffling his feet forward. He would often just pass out wherever he was and lay on the grass until he woke up to continue on his way.
I am sure we all have come across a Mr. Wendall at one time or another in our lives. I wish we could have helped our Mr. Wendall in some way. I know his life here on Earth was tough and I am sure at the rate he was drinking he has since passed away. I do hope that he is in a better place and he has forgiven me and my friends for all the bad things we said and did to him. I can't hide behind the fact that I was just a naive kid, we knew right from wrong and it's made me feel really bad about myself that I could be that mean. And although he never really said much, he left a lasting impression on me and taught me a lot about life, how tough it can be at times and how quickly it can turn on ya.
Out to "Early" Lunch!!
Had training at work Monday morning....so I told M.M. the night before that I would meet him at 8:45 at the visitor's center. We're not technically supposed to park there, but I am all about breaking the rules and keeping the "rent-a-cops" on their toes!! Earlier that morning I got up and ready and headed out the door. Yep, a very rare occurence for me to get up and ready so quickly. On the way to the office I called him, keeping an eye out for the lurking police cruisers just waiting to write me a ticket for talking on the phone and driving. S.M. tells me he is finished getting ready. (Later I find out that he was running around the house like he was on fire looking for his keys. S. tells him to take hers and as she pulls out a set of keys from her purse, Lo and Behold, they are his!! He got caught in traffic and as he got closer to work I think he was doing 110 down the 25 mph school zone road.) So I arrive at 8:45 and he's obviously not there...at 8:50 I see the other attendees enter the traning hall. I know some of them, but I'm still fairly "new" and I want to make a good first impression, and well I can't wait for M. any longer cause it's 8:55. I will let him embarrass himself. I head toward the hall...on the way, I see S.P. and he also asks about M. I tell him he's probably gonna be late so we should head in. It's in the basement of the building and as I get up to get coffee, I pull my phone out and notice a missed call; I must have been out of area as we were in the basement of the building and I didn't hear the phone ring. I called him back and he tells me he just go to the visitor's center. We walk into the hall together and the facilitator stops his lecture, looks over at us and mubles something....I couldn't hear....but the entire room errupts in laughter. The red somehow shows through my lightly colored olive skin. We settle into seats toward the back or the room. 20 minutes later two people walk in and the speak doesn't say a word to them!!! How rude to embarrass us, but spare these two!!! All of a sudden there is a LOUD BOOMING KNOCK on the emergency exit doors. Everyone turns around and looks as me as if to say, answer the door. I get up go over to the door and open it. It is a security guard and by this time I am sure they are coming to get me and M to tell us we parked in the wrong lot. I didn't turn around to see M's face, but I am sure he was shaking in his seat. If the guard asked for us by name, we'd never hear the end of it. Luckily she motions over her shoulder to the catering service employee and he wheels in the refreshments! At last it's break time and time to mingle and snack on the food. We (S, M and me and also by this time our colleague R is with us) are told that we "are free to leave"! He doesn't even finish the phrase by the time we are packed up and halfway up the stairs. It's 10:30 and way too early for lunch. We decide to go out for breakfast...the four of us. We all look at one another...we know if we get caught there would be hell to pay. Other groups are so jealous of our group and would love to highlight the fact that we slack off when we should be working. Our group is split between two different sites that are divided by a wide river, and our department consists of roughly 100 people. We are at one site and our boss is at another...he won't even know we are gone. I mention that I want everyone to swear to secrecy and for covering each of our @$$es. So we go around and each one pledges not the snitch on the others if asked. We decide to go to diner far from the office, you know just so we are not spotted.
When we get there all hell breaks loose...we are wild and obnoxious! Talking about everything under the sun....and the conversations even went into R rated topics and even NC-17. Good thing there were not many customers and even the few that were there quickly finished their meals and walked out...eyeing our table and they left. After 1.5 hours of sitting talking and laughing, we figure we better head back and attempt to do some work. But we were working....working on team building! I really had a great time with you guys...and for sure we'll do it again very soon. Maybe we'll schedule a staff meeting that is offsite...maybe head to the minature golf place too!
A, sorry we didn't invite you....but you were in Beantown. And boss, we'll invite you next time....you just had so many meeting on your calendar!! And M, S or R if I hear anyone mention this to anyone, I am sure you know d@mn well what I will do to you, your wives, or even your kids! That river outside our office could be a nice place to try out those cement boots and the shark infested ocean is a very short boat ride away! Got it, good!!
When we get there all hell breaks loose...we are wild and obnoxious! Talking about everything under the sun....and the conversations even went into R rated topics and even NC-17. Good thing there were not many customers and even the few that were there quickly finished their meals and walked out...eyeing our table and they left. After 1.5 hours of sitting talking and laughing, we figure we better head back and attempt to do some work. But we were working....working on team building! I really had a great time with you guys...and for sure we'll do it again very soon. Maybe we'll schedule a staff meeting that is offsite...maybe head to the minature golf place too!
A, sorry we didn't invite you....but you were in Beantown. And boss, we'll invite you next time....you just had so many meeting on your calendar!! And M, S or R if I hear anyone mention this to anyone, I am sure you know d@mn well what I will do to you, your wives, or even your kids! That river outside our office could be a nice place to try out those cement boots and the shark infested ocean is a very short boat ride away! Got it, good!!
Leaving on Jet Plane.....

I am leaving a jet plane tomorrow!! Yes I am so excited...even though I've taken this exact same plane every two or three weeks for just over two months now and countless times over the past few years. I love the fact that there are no tickets, no worry about parking and whether it is more economical to park in short term or long term for a 5 day trip, no TSA to worry about, no frisking of passengers, no baggage sercurity checks and best of all, I don't have to tip the baggage handlers! They even serve delicious unlimited snacks (several types of fresh fruit, beef jerky, M&Ms and various candies and assorted cookies) and countless drinks on board. The only way it could get better is for you to actually have the snack/drink pantry right in the seat pocket in front of you! Prior to landing they come round with mints and entire packs of Trident gum! And they even have hot towels!! Real towels, people!!!! A downside that I don't mind too much, but my fellow passengers dislike, is the "no alcohol" policy. I haven't seen anyone try to bring it on board to mix with their Coke, tonic, or OJ yet. From door to door it's just a 2.5 hour flight for me, that with other airlines and from the closest commercial airport would end up being atleast a 5 hour flight...if not more. That is like 1/3 of the way to Jordan!!
One day when I am wealthly(like in great quantities of molah, greenbacks, dough, and cheddar) I will buy this type plane...and remodel it to have huge bathrooms and bedrooms! Speaking of bedrooms on planes...check out http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A9900-2004Dec18?language=printer What a great idea! I wonder how much the fares are going for?
Wish me a pleasant flight and great stay at my destination!
You gotta love Grandma's!
Mom said the follwoing (quote below) to daughter, about mom's mom (daughters 93 year old grandmother). The grandma is in a nursing home and is losing it slightly....
"What would I do without my mother? She heard I was getting married this afternoon and she made them call me so she could tell me the diamond ring I got is fake - he got it from her dresser drawer."
"What would I do without my mother? She heard I was getting married this afternoon and she made them call me so she could tell me the diamond ring I got is fake - he got it from her dresser drawer."
I don't think I can say it any better.....
I hope and pray that one day the two can live side by side in peace and harmony and that children can be children. Enough bloodshed on both sides and I add my voice to those saying, enough in enough! I hope that one day the powers at the top, realize this.
Do you tip?
Interesting article today in the Detroit News. Apparently Pro Bowl receiver Roy Williams doesn't tip anyone. And this coming from a multi-millionaire who can afford to give money away. Now I don't claim to be the worlds best tipper...but I give 15% for what I consider bad service up to 30% for great service. I have left 100% tip on rare occasions, but these have less to do with the service and more to do with the person. I mean if it appears that they need the money, then I will just leave a $20 bill. You just never know what they need to buy...diapers, food, school clothes or what it will go for, school trips, lunch money, or doctor visits. I like to think that I am doing my little part. I mean these workers are making 2.50 per hour and have to put up with a lot BS from customers. But then again they have to do their job and if that means being nice to people and wering a smile and being professional that so be it. That is their job. But they work for tips. What I can't stand, but still tip them, are taxi drivers, hotel doormen, luggage handlers, furniture deliver persons, or those places that have those tip canisters at the cash register like Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, or Subway. I will usually give them a dollar per bag or dollar per coffee or sandwich. But still it's like they are begging for it. Do cops get tips? How about the ambulance driver, or firefighter? Those are the ones who should be getting tips.
Here's the article, enjoy!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Special deliveries: Williams works for Pizza Hut to make up for frugal past
Tim Twentyman / The Detroit News
DEARBORN HEIGHTS -- Detroit Lions receiver Roy Williams is a self-confessed cheapskate.
Dating at McDonald's. Splurging on Red Lobster. And forget tipping the pizza delivery guy -- that's just a faux pas.
That's until Williams found out what it's like to be on the wrong end of a no-tip customer.
Williams spent Tuesday afternoon as a honorary Pizza Hut delivery man for a restaurant in Dearborn Heights. Williams took on the job after receiving national attention -- and a challenge from Pizza Hut president Scott Bergren -- for comments he made in a WDFN 1130 interview last month.
Williams was asked about his frugal nature and said: "I am cheap. I'm a cheap date. Get you some McDonald's, with some cheese on it, and I'm just really cheap, man."
Later he was asked about tipping the pizza guy, Williams said: "There's no such thing as a tip. But I'm really polite and I say, 'Thank you sir.' The pizza man knows, when he comes to my address, he's coming for free."
The comments prompted a challenge by Bergen. Bergen wrote that if Williams agreed to be a delivery driver for Pizza Hut for one day, Pizza Hut would forgive Williams' past tipping transgressions.
Not one to back down from a challenge, Williams donned the red-and-black Pizza Hut jacket and took to the streets. In addition to donating his tips to the World Food Organization, he donated $5,000, which Pizza Hut is matching.
"I get to be in someone else's shoes for a couple hours and see how they work," he said. "See how it is for those guys and girls to do their job delivering pizzas and see if they get tips, if they don't get tips, and how much it is."
Williams' first stop was Tiffany Marchyok's house. Tuesday is pizza night at the Marchyok house. Always a plain pepperoni, but never delivered by an NFL Pro Bowler.
"Quite a surprise," she said. "He was very polite and very gracious to take pictures with the kids."
Marchyok was prepared to give a $6 tip, but when Williams said the pizza was free the money went back in her pocket.
"I'm standing in the rain with no tip and no money in my pocket," Williams said. "I said the pizza was free and I stood there ... you know how the driver still stands there waiting for a tip a little bit, I stood there and no tip. I learned that you have to say 'I need a tip.' "
Williams gave away another pie at the next house. Again no tip.
"I'm starting to respect these guys," he joked.
If Tuesday doesn't change Williams' no-tipping ways, a conversation he had with a delivery guy at a red light a couple of weeks ago might. He asked the guy what a person should tip. The guy told him $3, $4, maybe $5.
Williams tipped a pizza guy $7 last week.
"I have turned over a new leaf," he said.
Here's the article, enjoy!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Special deliveries: Williams works for Pizza Hut to make up for frugal past
Tim Twentyman / The Detroit News
DEARBORN HEIGHTS -- Detroit Lions receiver Roy Williams is a self-confessed cheapskate.
Dating at McDonald's. Splurging on Red Lobster. And forget tipping the pizza delivery guy -- that's just a faux pas.
That's until Williams found out what it's like to be on the wrong end of a no-tip customer.
Williams spent Tuesday afternoon as a honorary Pizza Hut delivery man for a restaurant in Dearborn Heights. Williams took on the job after receiving national attention -- and a challenge from Pizza Hut president Scott Bergren -- for comments he made in a WDFN 1130 interview last month.
Williams was asked about his frugal nature and said: "I am cheap. I'm a cheap date. Get you some McDonald's, with some cheese on it, and I'm just really cheap, man."
Later he was asked about tipping the pizza guy, Williams said: "There's no such thing as a tip. But I'm really polite and I say, 'Thank you sir.' The pizza man knows, when he comes to my address, he's coming for free."
The comments prompted a challenge by Bergen. Bergen wrote that if Williams agreed to be a delivery driver for Pizza Hut for one day, Pizza Hut would forgive Williams' past tipping transgressions.
Not one to back down from a challenge, Williams donned the red-and-black Pizza Hut jacket and took to the streets. In addition to donating his tips to the World Food Organization, he donated $5,000, which Pizza Hut is matching.
"I get to be in someone else's shoes for a couple hours and see how they work," he said. "See how it is for those guys and girls to do their job delivering pizzas and see if they get tips, if they don't get tips, and how much it is."
Williams' first stop was Tiffany Marchyok's house. Tuesday is pizza night at the Marchyok house. Always a plain pepperoni, but never delivered by an NFL Pro Bowler.
"Quite a surprise," she said. "He was very polite and very gracious to take pictures with the kids."
Marchyok was prepared to give a $6 tip, but when Williams said the pizza was free the money went back in her pocket.
"I'm standing in the rain with no tip and no money in my pocket," Williams said. "I said the pizza was free and I stood there ... you know how the driver still stands there waiting for a tip a little bit, I stood there and no tip. I learned that you have to say 'I need a tip.' "
Williams gave away another pie at the next house. Again no tip.
"I'm starting to respect these guys," he joked.
If Tuesday doesn't change Williams' no-tipping ways, a conversation he had with a delivery guy at a red light a couple of weeks ago might. He asked the guy what a person should tip. The guy told him $3, $4, maybe $5.
Williams tipped a pizza guy $7 last week.
"I have turned over a new leaf," he said.
Caught on Video......
As a police patrolman I had to laugh at these....maybe I will use them when I am handing over the ticket to the violator. Enjoy!
These comments were actually taken from the on-board video recording equipment from various patrol vehicles around the country...
#16 "You know, stop lights don't come any redder that the one you just went through."
#15 "Relax, the handcuffs are tight because they're new. They'll stretch after you wear them a while."
#14 "If you take your hands off the car, I'll make your birth certificate a worthless document."
#13 "If you run, you'll only go to jail tired."
#12 "Can you run faster than 2700 feet per second? Because that's the speed of the bullet that'll be chasing you."
#11 "You don't know how fast you were going? I guess that means I can write anything I want to on the ticket, huh?"
#10 "Yes, sir, you can talk to the shift supervisor, but I don't think it will help. Oh, did I mention that I'm the shift supervisor?"
#9 "Warning! You want a warning? O.K., I'm warning you not to do that again or I'll give you another ticket."
#8 "The answer to this last question will determine wheth! er you a re drunk or not. Was Mickey Mouse a cat or a dog?"
#7 "Fair? You want me to be fair? Listen, fair is a place where you go to ride on rides, eat cotton candy and corn dogs and step in monkey poop."
#6 "Yeah, we have a quota. Two more tickets and my wife gets a toaster oven."
#5 "In God we trust, all others we run through NCIC."
#4 "How big were those 'Just two beers' you say you had?"
#3 "No sir, we don't have quotas anymore. We used to, but now we're allowed to write as many tickets as we can."
#2 "I'm glad to hear that Chief (of Police) is a personal friend of yours. So you know someone who can post your bail."
#1 "You didn't think we give pretty women tickets? You're right, we don't. Sign here
These comments were actually taken from the on-board video recording equipment from various patrol vehicles around the country...
#16 "You know, stop lights don't come any redder that the one you just went through."
#15 "Relax, the handcuffs are tight because they're new. They'll stretch after you wear them a while."
#14 "If you take your hands off the car, I'll make your birth certificate a worthless document."
#13 "If you run, you'll only go to jail tired."
#12 "Can you run faster than 2700 feet per second? Because that's the speed of the bullet that'll be chasing you."
#11 "You don't know how fast you were going? I guess that means I can write anything I want to on the ticket, huh?"
#10 "Yes, sir, you can talk to the shift supervisor, but I don't think it will help. Oh, did I mention that I'm the shift supervisor?"
#9 "Warning! You want a warning? O.K., I'm warning you not to do that again or I'll give you another ticket."
#8 "The answer to this last question will determine wheth! er you a re drunk or not. Was Mickey Mouse a cat or a dog?"
#7 "Fair? You want me to be fair? Listen, fair is a place where you go to ride on rides, eat cotton candy and corn dogs and step in monkey poop."
#6 "Yeah, we have a quota. Two more tickets and my wife gets a toaster oven."
#5 "In God we trust, all others we run through NCIC."
#4 "How big were those 'Just two beers' you say you had?"
#3 "No sir, we don't have quotas anymore. We used to, but now we're allowed to write as many tickets as we can."
#2 "I'm glad to hear that Chief (of Police) is a personal friend of yours. So you know someone who can post your bail."
#1 "You didn't think we give pretty women tickets? You're right, we don't. Sign here
How could this song.....
not put you in a good mood. I absolutely love it....and have it on my ipod 5 times.
I've been tagged...so here are my answers....enjoy!
1. What is your middle name?Of course being an Jordanian, it is my dad's first name. I love this tradition...and is it an Arab tradition as well?
2. What color pants are you wearing?
I am wearing shorts....by favorite black Nike basketball ones. I love 'em b/c I get to wear black socks with them.
3. What are you listening to now?
The keystrokes and the beating of my heart!
4. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Quik Strawberry Milk. It sure does a body good.
5. Do you wish on Stars?
Everynight when I notice that first star in the brillant sky!
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
Gold. Always grabbed that one first out of my Crayola 64 with the included sharpener on the back.
7. How is the weather today?
Beautiful! Amazing. Mid 70's clear blue skies!
8. Last person you spoke to on the phone?
My brother in Chitown.
9. Do you like the person that sent this to you?
Immensely! A fantastic person that I truly am glad to know!
10. Favorite drink?
Grey Goose, Diet Mt. Dew, Cafe Latte, Mochachino, strawberry milk.
11. Favorite sport?
Anything that involves keeping score.
12. Hair Color?
13. Siblings?
3 kick ass brothers and a pretty cool sister!
14. Favorite month?
Any that starts with an A or D.
15. Favorite Food?
Anything that has cheese!
16. What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
The Bourne Ultimatum.
17. Favorite day of the year?
New Year's Day!
18. What do you do to vent anger?
Spazzzzz out on whomever upset me.
19. What was your favorite toy as a child?
Atari 2600, and my Millenum Falcon with Han Solo and Chewbacca action figures. Mommy threw them both away. :-( I don't think I have forgiven her yet!
20. Summer or winter?
21. Hugs or kisses?
Both with that special person. I love hugs with friends....but can never tell when to "end" the hug.
22. Car or motorcycle?
Motorcycle, can you teach me to ride one.
23. Chocolate or vanilla?
24. Do you want your friends to do this survey(tag)?
25. Who is most likely to do this survey(tag)?
What do you want me to do if they don't?
26. Who is least likely to respond?
Again, what do you want me to do if they don't?
27. When was the last time you cried?
Do you mean all out crying and hyperventilating? Never. Shed a few tears, or faked a yawn to hide them....probably at amovie......or when my team lost the championship.
28. What is under your bed?
My briefcase that I got as high school graduation present, that I used about 5 times to carry stuff in.
29. Who is the friend that you have had the longest?
I have a lot of people I know from growing up I see every now and then. One of those i keep in regular contact with is my friend J. Known him for about 20 years. My best friend, D...I've known her for over 14 years.
30. What did you do last night?
It's just past midnight now, so I will answer what I did tonight. Repaired drywall watched tennis on TV. Hung out with my family!
31. What are you afraid of?
Absolutely nothing.
32. Plain, buttered, or salted popcorn?
When I go to the movies I ask for the suicide buttered popcorn. Let's just say you need a whole lot of napkins!
33. Favorite car?
Too many to mention....but a favorite that I could actually afford to buy, Infiniti M45!
34. Favorite Flower?
Gerber (Gerbera) Daisy!
35. How many keys on your key ring?
6 including house, office, computer docking station, computer lock, car key, valet key for my car.
36. How many years at your job?
8.31 (yes very precise, I was calculating my pension today)
37. What did you do on your last birthday?
Partied like a rock star! And bartended!
38. How many states have you lived in?
2, soon to be 3.
39. Did you have fun doing this?
Sort of. Some questions were lame.
40. Who are you going to send this to?
No one.
1. What is your middle name?Of course being an Jordanian, it is my dad's first name. I love this tradition...and is it an Arab tradition as well?
2. What color pants are you wearing?
I am wearing shorts....by favorite black Nike basketball ones. I love 'em b/c I get to wear black socks with them.
3. What are you listening to now?
The keystrokes and the beating of my heart!
4. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Quik Strawberry Milk. It sure does a body good.
5. Do you wish on Stars?
Everynight when I notice that first star in the brillant sky!
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
Gold. Always grabbed that one first out of my Crayola 64 with the included sharpener on the back.
7. How is the weather today?
Beautiful! Amazing. Mid 70's clear blue skies!
8. Last person you spoke to on the phone?
My brother in Chitown.
9. Do you like the person that sent this to you?
Immensely! A fantastic person that I truly am glad to know!
10. Favorite drink?
Grey Goose, Diet Mt. Dew, Cafe Latte, Mochachino, strawberry milk.
11. Favorite sport?
Anything that involves keeping score.
12. Hair Color?
13. Siblings?
3 kick ass brothers and a pretty cool sister!
14. Favorite month?
Any that starts with an A or D.
15. Favorite Food?
Anything that has cheese!
16. What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
The Bourne Ultimatum.
17. Favorite day of the year?
New Year's Day!
18. What do you do to vent anger?
Spazzzzz out on whomever upset me.
19. What was your favorite toy as a child?
Atari 2600, and my Millenum Falcon with Han Solo and Chewbacca action figures. Mommy threw them both away. :-( I don't think I have forgiven her yet!
20. Summer or winter?
21. Hugs or kisses?
Both with that special person. I love hugs with friends....but can never tell when to "end" the hug.
22. Car or motorcycle?
Motorcycle, can you teach me to ride one.
23. Chocolate or vanilla?
24. Do you want your friends to do this survey(tag)?
25. Who is most likely to do this survey(tag)?
What do you want me to do if they don't?
26. Who is least likely to respond?
Again, what do you want me to do if they don't?
27. When was the last time you cried?
Do you mean all out crying and hyperventilating? Never. Shed a few tears, or faked a yawn to hide them....probably at amovie......or when my team lost the championship.
28. What is under your bed?
My briefcase that I got as high school graduation present, that I used about 5 times to carry stuff in.
29. Who is the friend that you have had the longest?
I have a lot of people I know from growing up I see every now and then. One of those i keep in regular contact with is my friend J. Known him for about 20 years. My best friend, D...I've known her for over 14 years.
30. What did you do last night?
It's just past midnight now, so I will answer what I did tonight. Repaired drywall watched tennis on TV. Hung out with my family!
31. What are you afraid of?
Absolutely nothing.
32. Plain, buttered, or salted popcorn?
When I go to the movies I ask for the suicide buttered popcorn. Let's just say you need a whole lot of napkins!
33. Favorite car?
Too many to mention....but a favorite that I could actually afford to buy, Infiniti M45!
34. Favorite Flower?
Gerber (Gerbera) Daisy!
35. How many keys on your key ring?
6 including house, office, computer docking station, computer lock, car key, valet key for my car.
36. How many years at your job?
8.31 (yes very precise, I was calculating my pension today)
37. What did you do on your last birthday?
Partied like a rock star! And bartended!
38. How many states have you lived in?
2, soon to be 3.
39. Did you have fun doing this?
Sort of. Some questions were lame.
40. Who are you going to send this to?
No one.
Congratulations Dr. Fakhouri
I can't describe the great pride and admiration I felt as I read about Dr. Haifa Fakhouri today in the Jordan Times joining the leadship board at Harvard University:
I've have the privelege to interact with Dr. Fakhouri on many occasions and find her to be a very down to Earth person and a wonderful professional. As a Jordanian, it is truly an honor to call her a fellow countrywoman. This great accomplishment is one of many she has received over her career. In fact, she was selected as a Michiganian of the Year for 1999 (http://www.detnews.com/specialreports/2000/michiganians/fakhouri/fakhouri.htm). These citizens are choosen every year by readers of one of, if not THE, largest newspaper in the state of Michigan.
Her work with the ACC (Arab and Chaldean Council http://www.myacc.org/) throughout the metropolitan Detroit, Michigan area is blessing to those people that hail from the middle east in settle in the areas her offices serve. These people find many services at their disposal to make aclimating to the US much easier. The organization has been assisting people for over 26 years.
Harvard appoints Jordanian American to women’s leadership board
DETROIT (Petra) - Harvard University has appointed Founder and President of the Arab American and Chaldean Council Haifa Fakhouri as a member of the Women’s Leadership Board at its John F. Kennedy School of Government. The group comprises influential women from around the world who are responsible for advancing women globally through leadership, advocacy and dialogue on public policy. Fakhouri has also been selected for induction into the Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame for 2007. Fakhouri, who is the first American Jordanian figure to join the hall, was chosen in appreciation of her efforts and activities in empowering women and boosting their leadership roles in the US and elsewhere.
DETROIT (Petra) - Harvard University has appointed Founder and President of the Arab American and Chaldean Council Haifa Fakhouri as a member of the Women’s Leadership Board at its John F. Kennedy School of Government. The group comprises influential women from around the world who are responsible for advancing women globally through leadership, advocacy and dialogue on public policy. Fakhouri has also been selected for induction into the Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame for 2007. Fakhouri, who is the first American Jordanian figure to join the hall, was chosen in appreciation of her efforts and activities in empowering women and boosting their leadership roles in the US and elsewhere.
I've have the privelege to interact with Dr. Fakhouri on many occasions and find her to be a very down to Earth person and a wonderful professional. As a Jordanian, it is truly an honor to call her a fellow countrywoman. This great accomplishment is one of many she has received over her career. In fact, she was selected as a Michiganian of the Year for 1999 (http://www.detnews.com/specialreports/2000/michiganians/fakhouri/fakhouri.htm). These citizens are choosen every year by readers of one of, if not THE, largest newspaper in the state of Michigan.
Her work with the ACC (Arab and Chaldean Council http://www.myacc.org/) throughout the metropolitan Detroit, Michigan area is blessing to those people that hail from the middle east in settle in the areas her offices serve. These people find many services at their disposal to make aclimating to the US much easier. The organization has been assisting people for over 26 years.
The Need for Speed
This dude* has nothing on me. Note that he was driving 137 MPH, not KPH, for those of you outside the US. Sure that is a fast speed, really fast! And you have to be pretty brave to go that fast on a motorcycle. But have you ever gone in-between two semi's at over 150 MPH while sitting on the back of motorcycle? Everyone claims that they have done that.....but I will be honest.....I don't have the guts or the stupidity to do anything as careless as that. But I have done many other crazy things behind the wheel of a car. I regularly drive over 100 mph in my SUV and if I am in a car going 140 is nothing. And in Jordan, on the lost stretch of desert highway, 220 KPH is the norm. I wonder if the cruise control works at that speed. I'll have to try that next time. In my neck of the woods, I know the speed traps, and those long smooth straight stretches of highway that allow you to "punch" the gas. I love speed; I do have the need for speed! It makes my adrenaline flow, it is my recreational drug of choice, and there's nothing like passing those who have the cars to smoke you, but don't dare push all their cylinders to their potential, pushing the RPM needle into the red and hearing the roar of the engine. I love it! I press so hard down on the gas pedal with my right foot, that I am practically standing on it. My left foot closely hovers over the brake pedal, just in case I need to manoeuvre around some idiot driving the speed limit in the left lane or if I only have a split second to bring the vehicle to a complete stop. I just feel more safe using both feet to force the brake pads around the rotors and come to a screeching halt. You can see the brake pad dust blowing in the wind, the the smell the burned rubber that just transferred to the asphalt and took off 1/20 of a inch off my treads. Rest assured I am as safe as they come. I don't do put other lives in danger. I don't do this unless the weather is perfect and the roads clear. I just like speed that's all.
*A motorcyclist earned a spot on the sheriff's "Wall of Fame" after he was clocked at 137 miles per hour early Tuesday.
"We have a 'Wall of Fame' here in the report room, and when anybody arrests someone traveling over 100 mph, we mark it down," Tuscola County sheriff's Lt. James Giroux said following the arrest of the Fairgrove man.
"I held the record for a long time after catching a guy going 108 mph, but now with these 'crotch rocket' motorcycles, it's way beyond that. Sgt. Mike Pine had the record for about a year by catching a motorcycle going 118 mph.
"But this 137 mph is the new record," Giroux said.
The 37-year-old motorcyclist told police he was "late for work" after a Vassar police officer stopped him at 3:35 a.m. in the town of Richville, about 80 miles northwest of Detroit.
The suspect was in the county jail Tuesday morning awaiting arraignment on a charge of fleeing and eluding police
*A motorcyclist earned a spot on the sheriff's "Wall of Fame" after he was clocked at 137 miles per hour early Tuesday.
"We have a 'Wall of Fame' here in the report room, and when anybody arrests someone traveling over 100 mph, we mark it down," Tuscola County sheriff's Lt. James Giroux said following the arrest of the Fairgrove man.
"I held the record for a long time after catching a guy going 108 mph, but now with these 'crotch rocket' motorcycles, it's way beyond that. Sgt. Mike Pine had the record for about a year by catching a motorcycle going 118 mph.
"But this 137 mph is the new record," Giroux said.
The 37-year-old motorcyclist told police he was "late for work" after a Vassar police officer stopped him at 3:35 a.m. in the town of Richville, about 80 miles northwest of Detroit.
The suspect was in the county jail Tuesday morning awaiting arraignment on a charge of fleeing and eluding police
Party All Night
Oh my…I am 34 and one day, give or take a few hours. For some, that means I'm an old geezer, while to others it seems I'm quite young. For me, no matter what my driver’s license says about me being born in 1973, I will for eternity, be 23 and that means for the year 2007 I was born August 5, 1984. Hey, speaking of 1984…… my younger brother was born that year. I remember the day he was born and the exact time; 11:06 am. I had to walk home from school everyday at lunch to walk my sister to school, who attended the same school as I, but was in the afternoon kindergarten. That day, my uncle was at our house with my parents nowhere to be found. I remember asking about my mom and that’s when my uncle told me that I had a new baby brother. That is when I still believed that mom’s took pills to HAVE babies and not to prevent pregnancy. Yes, we were very sheltered kids. But, I still want to believe that is how my mom got pregnant with me and my siblings.
This weekend I got to celebrate my birthday along with the birthday of a good friend of mine, T. I went to his party with a friend last year, and that’s when I hung out with T and discovered we shared the same birth day….although as I like to remind T, he’s 3 years older than me! The party is held as his exclusive cottage community. We’re talking secret passwords and handshakes and of course militia security people guarding the entrance. It sounds great, but rest assured, we're talking septic tanks, well water and the great outdoors. At least the toliets flush and there is a nice lake. Another friend also owns a cabin there that has been in his family for a very long time, we're talking 60 years+. This place is really secluded...after a few turns from the main road, it's a right turn off a rural road to the fenced "camp". After the entrance, you drive through dense forest for about 1 mile on a very narrow one lane dirt road. If you happen to meet another vehicle heading in the opposite direction, one of you would probably have to back up all the way back from the direction they came, in order to let the other vehicle through. They should install some kind of light mechanism to notify other vehicles that the road is in use when anyone is entering or leaving the camp. Kinda like trains and railroad tracks have. But I don’t think it really necessary as the is place is really not busy with people coming and going except for a few nights a year…this past Saturday being one of those nights.
The party was really big, people living across the lake and from surrounding lakes come to it…either crashing it or being invited. Friends bring friends who bring friends who bring friends. I would estimate that there were over 100 people. I arrived just after the sun had set and there were people already a little tipsy from all the booze. I swear this one guy was walking at a 70 degree angle, he was barefoot, hitting on the girls and almost got into a few brawls with the guys that had enough of his blabbering. One girl drank so much she was slurring her words and had to point at the beer tap to get more. She outdrank one guy and laughed in his face. His ego was shattered as he himself consumed enough liquor to raise his BAL (blood alcohol level) to at least .25%! The camp has a licensed bar and for this party, people among the invited, are asked to bartend. T bought approximately 8 cases of adult beverages (AB’s) around 96 bottles and two HUGE kegs of beer. The beer disappeared…mind you that is over 400, 16 oz cups and many of the liters of liquor had hard a drop of liquid in them as the 5th hour of partying elapsed. At one point during the night I was invited to bartend; my first time doing that at any function. But being very knowledgeable on the expansive subject of adult beverages and the fine art of mixing drinks, I was well prepared and I made many of the customers happy. I was tossing bottles in the air, spinning them in my hands, and remarkably not spiling much. As humble and giving as T is, the AB’s were not necessarily free. Drinkers were asked to give "TIPS TO BUILD A NEW DECK" for the camp. But from what I noticed, the amount given back as tips was only 10% of that which was paid to buy the AB's. And as the night wore on, the buckets set up to collect the tip money were being filled with lower denominations if anything at all. Maybe all those dead brain cells caused people to forget. Nonetheless, a good time was had by all. I made some killer drinks…Jaeger Bombs, some crazy concoction of Pucker Apple, Grey Goose Vodka, Crown Royal and cranberry juice a very nice girl taught me to make, and easy to make screwdrivers although I put in 4 oz Absolute, 8oz OJ. The only girly drink I would allow to be made on my watch were the colorful cosmopolitans...no pina colads or daquiris allowed. The most popular besides the Bud Light was Grey Goose and Red Bull. I settled simply on the bottled water and a few Dt. Pepsi's. At around 2:00 the lights were turned off at the bar, signaling the end and still people refused to go….eventually the last remaining drunks crawled out and it was time once again to navigate the long road to the highway. There were many designated drivers in attendance and few people who were recovering alcoholics who remained sober. All in all it was a very good time and everyone made it home ok. There were no boat accidents and no one made too big a fool of themselves. Except those two girls who were up on the bar and started..........oops, sorry, whatever happens in SC, stays in SC.
I finally made it home at 3:30 and went to bed at 4 with my smoke infused clothing still on. I spend my real birthday recovering and enjoying a surprise impromptu party with my family. They got me ice cream cake but I didn't allow them to sing! I got a few very nice cigars and also a speedometer for my bike from my friends that stopped by to wish me Happy Birthday.
You may have wondered why pictures were not posted of the party. There were many pictures taken and a few videos shot. And as you can imagine when people and alcohol mix, the wild side of everyone shows up, and I would hate for anyone to be embarrassed at some point in the future when they are running for public office or become a contestant on American Idol. So those shall remain on the memory card until they get overwritten with next year’s party pictures. Sorry.
This weekend I got to celebrate my birthday along with the birthday of a good friend of mine, T. I went to his party with a friend last year, and that’s when I hung out with T and discovered we shared the same birth day….although as I like to remind T, he’s 3 years older than me! The party is held as his exclusive cottage community. We’re talking secret passwords and handshakes and of course militia security people guarding the entrance. It sounds great, but rest assured, we're talking septic tanks, well water and the great outdoors. At least the toliets flush and there is a nice lake. Another friend also owns a cabin there that has been in his family for a very long time, we're talking 60 years+. This place is really secluded...after a few turns from the main road, it's a right turn off a rural road to the fenced "camp". After the entrance, you drive through dense forest for about 1 mile on a very narrow one lane dirt road. If you happen to meet another vehicle heading in the opposite direction, one of you would probably have to back up all the way back from the direction they came, in order to let the other vehicle through. They should install some kind of light mechanism to notify other vehicles that the road is in use when anyone is entering or leaving the camp. Kinda like trains and railroad tracks have. But I don’t think it really necessary as the is place is really not busy with people coming and going except for a few nights a year…this past Saturday being one of those nights.
The party was really big, people living across the lake and from surrounding lakes come to it…either crashing it or being invited. Friends bring friends who bring friends who bring friends. I would estimate that there were over 100 people. I arrived just after the sun had set and there were people already a little tipsy from all the booze. I swear this one guy was walking at a 70 degree angle, he was barefoot, hitting on the girls and almost got into a few brawls with the guys that had enough of his blabbering. One girl drank so much she was slurring her words and had to point at the beer tap to get more. She outdrank one guy and laughed in his face. His ego was shattered as he himself consumed enough liquor to raise his BAL (blood alcohol level) to at least .25%! The camp has a licensed bar and for this party, people among the invited, are asked to bartend. T bought approximately 8 cases of adult beverages (AB’s) around 96 bottles and two HUGE kegs of beer. The beer disappeared…mind you that is over 400, 16 oz cups and many of the liters of liquor had hard a drop of liquid in them as the 5th hour of partying elapsed. At one point during the night I was invited to bartend; my first time doing that at any function. But being very knowledgeable on the expansive subject of adult beverages and the fine art of mixing drinks, I was well prepared and I made many of the customers happy. I was tossing bottles in the air, spinning them in my hands, and remarkably not spiling much. As humble and giving as T is, the AB’s were not necessarily free. Drinkers were asked to give "TIPS TO BUILD A NEW DECK" for the camp. But from what I noticed, the amount given back as tips was only 10% of that which was paid to buy the AB's. And as the night wore on, the buckets set up to collect the tip money were being filled with lower denominations if anything at all. Maybe all those dead brain cells caused people to forget. Nonetheless, a good time was had by all. I made some killer drinks…Jaeger Bombs, some crazy concoction of Pucker Apple, Grey Goose Vodka, Crown Royal and cranberry juice a very nice girl taught me to make, and easy to make screwdrivers although I put in 4 oz Absolute, 8oz OJ. The only girly drink I would allow to be made on my watch were the colorful cosmopolitans...no pina colads or daquiris allowed. The most popular besides the Bud Light was Grey Goose and Red Bull. I settled simply on the bottled water and a few Dt. Pepsi's. At around 2:00 the lights were turned off at the bar, signaling the end and still people refused to go….eventually the last remaining drunks crawled out and it was time once again to navigate the long road to the highway. There were many designated drivers in attendance and few people who were recovering alcoholics who remained sober. All in all it was a very good time and everyone made it home ok. There were no boat accidents and no one made too big a fool of themselves. Except those two girls who were up on the bar and started..........oops, sorry, whatever happens in SC, stays in SC.
I finally made it home at 3:30 and went to bed at 4 with my smoke infused clothing still on. I spend my real birthday recovering and enjoying a surprise impromptu party with my family. They got me ice cream cake but I didn't allow them to sing! I got a few very nice cigars and also a speedometer for my bike from my friends that stopped by to wish me Happy Birthday.
You may have wondered why pictures were not posted of the party. There were many pictures taken and a few videos shot. And as you can imagine when people and alcohol mix, the wild side of everyone shows up, and I would hate for anyone to be embarrassed at some point in the future when they are running for public office or become a contestant on American Idol. So those shall remain on the memory card until they get overwritten with next year’s party pictures. Sorry.
Friday Funny
A farmer named Clyde had a car accident. In court, the trucking company's fancy lawyer was questioning Clyde.
"Didn't you say, at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine,'?"asked the lawyer.
Clyde responded, "Well, I'll tell you what happened. I had just loaded my favorite mule, Bessie, into the..."
"I didn't ask for any details", the lawyer interrupted. "Just answer the question. Did you not say, at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine!'?"
Clyde said, "Well, I had just got Bessie into the trailer and I was driving down the road...."
The lawyer interrupted again and said, "Judge, I am trying to establish the fact that, at the scene of the accident, this man told the Highway Patrolman on the scene that he was just fine. Now several weeks after the accident he is trying to sue my client. I believe he is a fraud. Please tell him to simply answer the question."
By this time, the Judge was fairly interested in Clyde 's answer and said to the lawyer, "I'd like to hear what he has to say about his favorite mule, Bessie".
Clyde thanked the Judge and proceeded.
"Well as I was saying, I had just loaded Bessie, my favorite mule, into the trailer and was driving her down the highway when this huge semi-truck and trailer ran the stop sign and smacked my truck right in the side. I was thrown into one ditch and Bessie was thrown into the other. I was hurting, real bad and didn't want to move. However, I could hear ole Bessie moaning and groaning. I knew she was in terrible shape just by her groans. Shortly after the accident a Highway Patrolman came on the scene. He could hear Bessie moaning and groaning so he went over to her. After he looked at her, and saw her fatal condition, he took out his gun and shot her between the eyes. Then the Patrolman came across the road, gun still in hand, looked at me,and said, "How are you feeling?"
"Now what the hell would you say?"
A farmer named Clyde had a car accident. In court, the trucking company's fancy lawyer was questioning Clyde.
"Didn't you say, at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine,'?"asked the lawyer.
Clyde responded, "Well, I'll tell you what happened. I had just loaded my favorite mule, Bessie, into the..."
"I didn't ask for any details", the lawyer interrupted. "Just answer the question. Did you not say, at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine!'?"
Clyde said, "Well, I had just got Bessie into the trailer and I was driving down the road...."
The lawyer interrupted again and said, "Judge, I am trying to establish the fact that, at the scene of the accident, this man told the Highway Patrolman on the scene that he was just fine. Now several weeks after the accident he is trying to sue my client. I believe he is a fraud. Please tell him to simply answer the question."
By this time, the Judge was fairly interested in Clyde 's answer and said to the lawyer, "I'd like to hear what he has to say about his favorite mule, Bessie".
Clyde thanked the Judge and proceeded.
"Well as I was saying, I had just loaded Bessie, my favorite mule, into the trailer and was driving her down the highway when this huge semi-truck and trailer ran the stop sign and smacked my truck right in the side. I was thrown into one ditch and Bessie was thrown into the other. I was hurting, real bad and didn't want to move. However, I could hear ole Bessie moaning and groaning. I knew she was in terrible shape just by her groans. Shortly after the accident a Highway Patrolman came on the scene. He could hear Bessie moaning and groaning so he went over to her. After he looked at her, and saw her fatal condition, he took out his gun and shot her between the eyes. Then the Patrolman came across the road, gun still in hand, looked at me,and said, "How are you feeling?"
"Now what the hell would you say?"
Great Friends, Great Food
This past weekend we celebrated the birthday of one of my favorite people, my great friend of 14 years, D. She turned 35 this year. We met during undergrad, many years ago and we instantly became friends. Friends that can go months without seeing one another, friends that can talk on the phone once every month or two, friends that only had one falling-out incident (which I still maintain was a misunderstanding and totally a result of our, or rather my, immaturity- we still laugh about those two weeks of no communication), friends that share laughs and tears, friends that no matter who, what, where, when, why and how, know that 24/7 we will find that shoulder to cry on, the ears to listen to us, the warm hug to comfort and greet us, and the words that make everything OK. D and I make up 1/2 of wonderful friendship. The other 1/2 are our friends J and L. Of course they were there as well. Other friends of ours rounded out the group of eight that met at Maggiano's for dinner. This is one of my favorite restaurants...but you can't eat here too often, which why you will soon discover. With this many people we opted for family style dinner. Basically, it's all you can eat, of each course of a typical meal. You select two appetizers, two salads, two pastas, two entrees, and two desserts. Everyone shares and if you want more of anything, or in our case more of everything, you just ask the server and it appears in no time. We ate like pigs, we ordered more food and continued to eat and drink. The dessert was unreal....cheesecake with strawberries and strawberry syrup and a decadent chocolate cake. These were so rich and creamy and disappeared in no time. We luckily didn't order more. I ate so much that I could barely get up at the end of dinner. The place closes too early in our opinion and we were one of a few tables remaining at 11 p.m. We then headed to D's house where her daughter and husband were waiting eagerly for us to bring home the leftovers. After some conversation and TV we all headed home.
This coming weekend we'll be celebrating me turn 34, and my choice is to go the casino. For dinner, I am not sure where I will pick to go. I will twist their arms and convince them to go for pizza. I am sure they will veto that, but I am the birthday boy after all and it will be my night!
This coming weekend we'll be celebrating me turn 34, and my choice is to go the casino. For dinner, I am not sure where I will pick to go. I will twist their arms and convince them to go for pizza. I am sure they will veto that, but I am the birthday boy after all and it will be my night!
I suffer from the condition known as road rage. I am also known to be a very aggressive driver. A very lethal combination if you ask me. I'm not shy to show my assertiveness on the road and let other's know who they are up against. I love the impromptu drag race. Always ready for those, whether they be off the light, on the highway or during a casual drive. All it takes is that look or for those other drivers to speed up while I am trying to pass them.
Other drivers need not be worried about me.....for it's me who worries about them, from me. Show me your stupidity, and I will make sure all others on the road see it magnified exponentially. I expect other drivers to act like they just learned to drive this morning, and then all of a sudden they think they own the road...or someone in their family does. I expect them to cut me off, make gestures out the window, say nice things about me or my mom (who mind you they've never met before, but seem to be very sure works in a profession that enables her to sleep throughout the day and meet and be in contact with a lot of different people), throw empty beer bottles or that Coke filled McDonald's super-duper gigantinormous cup in my direction, or pull out their gun and point it at me. Don't go telling me this only happens in the rough parts of town....cause on the roads filled with BMW's, Jags, Range Rovers and that lone Bentley Continental, that every self respectable town has to have, I do it.
Nevertheless dumb drivers never seem to let me down. I've seen them all and at all hours of the day and night. Drivers who use their knees to steer the automobile, shave their face, apply make-up, send an email from their Crackberry, reach back spank their kid jumping all over the rear seats, all while going 10 under the speed limit in the passing lane, with their right signal flashing. What I love to see the most are SUV and 4x4 drivers who believe that their trucks can do exactly what they saw on these glossy brochures only to find themselves stuck in a snow drift, stalled out in a deep puddle of water, or stuck atop a downed tree trunk. But me, I know what my car is capable of. I know what the car I am borrowing, renting or stealing is capable of. You just never know when you have to push the car to it's limit to avoid hurting yourself or worse....damaging that fine automobile you stole and getting pennies on the dollar for your efforts. Is it any surprise that one of my favorite songs is "I can't drive 55".
Disclaimer: Although I do suffer from road rage, no animals or humans were hurt during the real life events portrayed above. And for the record, I don't steal cars, but I borrow (with permission and thus no GTA or unauthorized use charges can be brought against me) or rent them from time to time with a valid license and credit card issued in my name.
Other drivers need not be worried about me.....for it's me who worries about them, from me. Show me your stupidity, and I will make sure all others on the road see it magnified exponentially. I expect other drivers to act like they just learned to drive this morning, and then all of a sudden they think they own the road...or someone in their family does. I expect them to cut me off, make gestures out the window, say nice things about me or my mom (who mind you they've never met before, but seem to be very sure works in a profession that enables her to sleep throughout the day and meet and be in contact with a lot of different people), throw empty beer bottles or that Coke filled McDonald's super-duper gigantinormous cup in my direction, or pull out their gun and point it at me. Don't go telling me this only happens in the rough parts of town....cause on the roads filled with BMW's, Jags, Range Rovers and that lone Bentley Continental, that every self respectable town has to have, I do it.
Nevertheless dumb drivers never seem to let me down. I've seen them all and at all hours of the day and night. Drivers who use their knees to steer the automobile, shave their face, apply make-up, send an email from their Crackberry, reach back spank their kid jumping all over the rear seats, all while going 10 under the speed limit in the passing lane, with their right signal flashing. What I love to see the most are SUV and 4x4 drivers who believe that their trucks can do exactly what they saw on these glossy brochures only to find themselves stuck in a snow drift, stalled out in a deep puddle of water, or stuck atop a downed tree trunk. But me, I know what my car is capable of. I know what the car I am borrowing, renting or stealing is capable of. You just never know when you have to push the car to it's limit to avoid hurting yourself or worse....damaging that fine automobile you stole and getting pennies on the dollar for your efforts. Is it any surprise that one of my favorite songs is "I can't drive 55".
Disclaimer: Although I do suffer from road rage, no animals or humans were hurt during the real life events portrayed above. And for the record, I don't steal cars, but I borrow (with permission and thus no GTA or unauthorized use charges can be brought against me) or rent them from time to time with a valid license and credit card issued in my name.
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