
HE ASKED, SHE SAID.............



J.R. figured his prom proposal had to be one-of-a-kind if it would have any chance of being accepted.

But the high school senior never imagined it would result in a suspension for himself and 12 of his varsity lacrosse teammates, whom he recruited to help spell out the message at a school soccer match via their derrieres.

The players displayed the question, "Will You Go To The Prom With Me? Yes or No?" on their posteriors while mooning the senior gal at her game.

She said yes. If I were her parents, there is no way I would let her go with him. I don't care how nice of kid he is.


My little brother, although not as, shall I say, dumb...kindly requested that the athletic director ask his potential date via the the stadium public address system if she'd like to go to the prom with him....in the middle of her lacrosse match. He was standing behind her with flowers. Talk about confidence! And he's just 17! (Note to self, I need him to give me a few pointers). I am happy to state that his proposal didn't make the front page of the newspaper (like the other kid's story) or result in a suspension. BTW, she said yes, but he knew that all along. I mean imagine the fallout that would have come from that had she said, "Um...I am already going with *****" or "NO!". When you got it, you got it! You go with your bad self, J.


Now comes the more scary part. My brother has been asking me about helicopter rentals and if I knew any one. Yeah, a helicopter!!! He states that concocted the crazy idea a few months ago. He was thinking that if he was going to the prom, he wanted to make it memorable and he didn't want to just rent a limousine or borrow a friends convertible....he wanted to arrive at the country club in a helicopter! Yes, he is nuts. But you have to admit that is classic. No one will ever forget that.


Now I've been critical of those weddings in Amman that seem SO over the top, but these HIGH SCHOOL proms are getting to be just like those. What ever happened to getting her a corsage, going out to dinner, and dancing the night away!


Anonymous said...

Classic indeed, a helicopter! Very cool, but isnt' he saving for,uh,college? Sounds like he could provide lots of blog fodder!

Anonymous said...

looool your brother is crazy. All that for a prom? sheesh. I didnt go to my high school prom neither do I regret it. I like the topic "he said, she said" lol its a song, no? I request you tell us about your trip to Jordan and your opinions (good & bad)

Qabbani said...


he watch movies alot :D , any way as u say this Prom is become like weddings Allah yestor

well, Just a thought , what his Idea for a wedding or engagement party ?

YFA said...

Kinzi, college....ya right!?!?! That boy is thinking about today! He's not like his older responsible brother! Nah, he's good with his money and has been saving for a few years now. And the older siblings have voved to pay for medical school....when he gets there.

Batoul, tell me about it. She so better be worth it! Your request is my command! Be on the lookout for those soon!

Mr. Qabbani, he sure does...."chick flicks"!