As I was walking into my office this moring, I saw an envelope on the ground that I picked up. Everyone who works in the office buildings where my office is located parks in the same parking structure (or multi-level car park for those of you that are Brits) and it's behind the secuity fence, so not just anyone can park there. I figured I would be able to find the rightful owner.
I glance down at the envelope and discover there's no name! Now what?!?!?! The envelope was already opened so I lift the flap and what do I find...two checks already endorsed. For a quick second I thought of laundering the checks and going shopping in New York City this weekend! New suit, a few tickets to a show, and a nice dinner....all on someone else's dime! Yeah, sounds fantastic!! But there are cameras all over the place and definitely at every turn in the structure. Quickly back to my senses...if they pull the security tapes they would see me picking up the envelope and my fingerprints are all over the checks. Scratch that idea.
I get to my office and search on the online address book and there are no matches. I read who the check was from and realized it's payable to someone from the housekeeping crew. And as those people don't make too much money to begin with (or what I thought, hell $1000 per month...that is a lot!!) and it being the beginning of the month, I am sure they had bills to pay THIS weekend. So I really needed to get these checks to them before noon as our company works 1/2 day on Friday. So I go around asking the other cleaning people if they know such and such a person. No such luck. After roaming the halls aimlessly for two hours and many of my colleagues giving me dirty looks, as if to say get your lazy @$$ to work, I can't locate the rightful owner anywhere. My mind wanders back to New's daring me to go to the onsite credit union and cash them. Come on, you know you want too! New York, THIS WEEKEND! I am fighting the urge...fighting with all my will. I can't go through with it...I've see what the inside of a jail looks like. For $1000, no way. Not even for $100,000,000,000.00 Well for that much maybe, but no way in hell for a measly $1000.
So in the end, I resorted to giving the envelope to the security guards in hopes they could find the rightful owner. Hope the owner got his checks back. But I should have left my name wth the guards...there might have been a reward. Might have been at least enough to buy a coffee come Monday.