Or if you prefer Maybach’s, this one is ONLY $7,075.00 every 30 days:

That is double my mortgage payment. What the heck! But hey it’s all about being seen on the road. With the Mayback, I would have to hire someone to drive it... I mean find someone to pay ME to drive ME around. My brother’s would definitely do it.
If you read the post about the M3 game my bro’s and I play, http://yourfavoriteanonymous.blogspot.com/2008/03/oh-no.html
I got another text message just a little while ago from somewhere in the dairyland of Wisconsin and Chicago..but no picture was attached....so no points were awarded. R claimed it was zipping past him weaving in and out of traffic. If I know my brother, he would have been right behind him doing the exactly same thing, first because he enjoys that type of driving and second to snap a picture to send to us. I think he’s pulling our legs. I'll have see who has the gold, sliver and bronze (and also the coal) medal positions in our lil' game. I'll probably be the one wearing the lump of coal around my neck.
dude that's the price of my entire car, and I think I have a nice car.
I don't know why but i have this feeling that our worlds cross...both chicago and wisconcin are somewhat of hometowns for me and some pics you post are just familiar for some reason.....
Ramadan Kareem!
p.s. If you are not Muslim, happy September!
Fawazeer @ mab3oos
Asoom, what kind of car do you drive?
Chicago and Wisconsin are new destinations for my family and I. I fly below the radar screen. ;-)
Mab3oos, Thanks and you and yours as well. 8 days gone, 22 more to go!
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