
Not Giving a Rats @$$

We are in the home stretch of the softball season and we are in dead last place. One win and we're in double digits for the number of losses. Last night's game was entirely way too much fun. We had so much fun and the entire team hung out in the ballpark parking lot afterwards well into the night....so late in fact that the police patrol changed shifts while we were out enjoying some laughs and drinks. We even ordered pizza to the parking lot!

So you might want to know the score....we stopping giving a $#!T....we played all 7 innings though, taking the #1 ranked team in our league the whole way. We didn't lose by the mercy rule. The final score was I think 13-7, them. :-( But the antics were in full effect. We were throwing wild balls, swinging at pitches that were so far out of the strike zone they practically landed on the grass (we were taking no walks), yelling at our own players and arguing with the umpires just for the sake of arguing. Even yours truely got to pitch. And let me just say, my earned run average (ERA) went off the charts! Let me fill you in on a secret, having a high ERA, is NOT a good thing. That means the other teams is kicking your butts, BAD!!!!!!! So next week we have many crazy things planned...it's not like we are going to win the league title or any trophies, so we might as well have even more fun. I didn't think we could top last night....but the idea box is in full swing (pun intended) and it is going to be wild. Last night my stomach hurt from laughing so much, and I lost my voice from yelling from deep center field...next week we'll go down in the history books for the stuff we are going to pull off.

1 comment:

MommaBean said...

You seriously play on my kind of team. I really suck at all sports (all of them). This is partly because I have no hand/eye coordination and am not particularly graceful. It is also due partially to the fact that I lack all competitive spirit. In college, a friend and I would play "No Rules" tennis, which had a score that imporved if you knocked the ball over of the huge fence and then doubled if you could find it again! If I were living near you, I'd be knocking on your door to join that team.