The weekend sure was a tiring on. From Wednesday to Friday night at around 2am, I slept a total of 6 hours; 5 on Wednesday night, 0 on Thursday night, and 1 on Friday morning before booting up the computer and getting to work. Yep I got to work from home on Friday. I definitely couldn’t do that all the time. Sure it’s nice to dial in to a conference call in you PJ’s, but with all distractions such as the TV, the refrigerator, and you friends calling you, I would never get any work done. Absolutely none.
So why didn’t I sleep a lick on Thursday you may wonder. I was out keeping the city and streets safe. Yeah me. It was a slow and cold night with not too many criminal elements out and about. We stopped a few cars with defective equipment (police talk for headlight burned out, brake lights malfunctioning or anything that could potentially make the vehicle hazardous to other drivers or pedestrians). We didn’t cite them for the most part…it depending on their attitude when we walk up to the car....but gave them a stern warning to get it fixed or else :-) And usually, 9 out of 10 times, there are other things wrong with the person or car that would lead to a ticket or arrest anyways. Could be no proof/valid insurance, the car not registered properly, or the person is wanted or has an warrant for their arrest.
One of our stops on Thursday was due to the license plate lights were not working. I know, some of you might be rolling your eyes, but trust me that is a valid reason to stop a car. And at 3 in the morning, it's a good opportunity to check out the driver and see what they are up to. You just never know what you will discover. This poor fella, couldn’t speak any English. We learned though he was heading home after working his shift at McDonalds. His insurance had expired a few weeks prior…so we cited him for that and not the license plate light. Without insurance, if he was to kill or injure someone, that person or that person’s family would have a hard time collecting the money necessary for their hospital bills or lost wages due to the accident. The could lose their homes and livelihood, so the ticket forces him to get insurance and thus the well-being of the public is ensured. Surprisingly there were no 911 emergency calls. We had one non-emergency call for loud music, some neighbor complained. In these types of situations, we try to make contact with the violator, but in this instance no one answered the door. All the lights were on in the apartment as we could see inside and we could hear the music blasting…all at 2 am. I'm just glad they are not my neighbor! Our city has a sound ordinance and if the police can hear the music more that 15 feet away, the perpetrator can actually be arrested. Yes, CUFFED and put in the back of the police crusier and taken to JAIL. J-A-I-L. There is no passing go and they don't collecting $200, but we sure will from the ticket! Truthfully I don't think it's that much, but they do get a ticket. They might actually get evicted as well because, well now they have a criminal record, and who would rent them a place. For these types of calls, it’s usually loud music in apartment buildings. We like to give at least one warning before throwing the cuffs on, and I’ve seen cases of two warnings. It all about the attitude the give us. Usually the first warning with the threat of a citation and arrest forces people to respect their neighbors right to live in peace and quiet.
The rest of the shift was pretty quiet, except for the last two hours….it was just before 6:00am and we noticed a car with defective equipment….we pulled out of the parking lot of the bank we were sitting at and followed the truck. It was about 5 cars in front of us on a one lane highway and we had trouble getting behing it..it was during the start of the morning rush hour… We were going to let it go as we were approaching the city limits and it took us 4 miles to finally get behind the Jeep and find a safe place to pull it over. We finally get the car stopped. My partner and I were just going to give her a warning and send her on her way….but when the dispatcher took too long responding on the driver's background check we knew something was up……….
Stay tuned until the next post to hear how it went down…… ;-)
You are a Cop?!!
Good stuff, keep us updated:)
I echo Mohanned: you are a cop?!
Wahoo! Good stories ahead! First we get Hareega the Dr., then Batoul the emergency X-ray woman...now we get the adventures of Jordanian/American law enforcement agents!
Can't wait for the next installment!
Yes. I moonlight as a Reserve Police Officer. At my department this is strictly a non-paid "volunteer" position. I will tell you more about it in a future post. :-)
When I am short on stories, do you think it would be ok to tell stories from the past?
DUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!! you are a police officer??? HMM, i'm scared of you already :S ... stories from the past?? that would be cool
P.S can you tell your "nice" friends in LA to be nice to middle eastern girl who drives like maniac in LA freeways :D?
ohhhh come on! I got all into it lol. Private little airports in NJ, dont you feel special? Is this one the one close to Hackensack? lol My neighbors are so annoying and I wish they're arrested! but thats not NJ laws. A mansion with a huge pool and lotsa drunk parties and cops that dont know how to handle the matter.
Damn, I always wished to watch an arrest, like a big drug bust or something.. and can we be friends so you give me a PBA card? lol I got one from sherrif speziale and I feel special but it expired:S thats the only reason I was sad to leave 2007 lol.
Welcom Maioush. Unfortunately (or depending on how you look at it, fortunately) I don't know any LA cops, so I can't help you there...best advice is start crying. But now Nevada, I am a friend of a friend of one of the Sheriff's. You get into any trouble in his county, then just let me know. And if you need a police escort, well we can arrange that.
Batoul, LOL. Not to brag, but it's a private jet. I fly into Morristown Municipal Airport..way, way West of Hackensak, just south of Parsippany. Near where 280 and 80 intersect. Your neighbors must have connections...kinda like the wasta in Jordan....so powerful it is. If you can't beat them join em!
Have you ever noticed those huge "crosses" on the lower drivers side of car windshields in NJ? That is what you should get! From what I understand each officer in NJ gets to hand out a few of those to his/her friends. They see that and they don't even bother you! But I usually just discretely hold my badge out the window. I mean why trouble the officer with having to get out of his warm car and walk all the way up to my car just to tell me to hit the road. ;-)
I figured lol. I know where your private Jet lands and you're in trouble lol jk, its close to my college thats all. I think they do have connections! yeah at least there wont be DUIs since they're my neghbors right? but wait im still under 21. Ok, im in trouble no matter what I do in your presence lol.. (I dont drink actually). About those windsheild things, since I dont have any family members in "law enforcement" I would have to pay like 200 bucks s year which is still a good deal since the stupidest parking violation costs $54 nowadays. Oh man! that must feel so cool just holding a badge out the window and keep driving.
And dont you dare look up my criminal record!!! /me feels paranoid lol
Oh, I see you have a few speeding tickets...and oh what's this? All I have to say is that you are in big trouble! ;-)
I never leave home without my badge! Never know when it will come in handy.
wow, impressive! we have a Jordanian cop now!
Summer, watch out, or we'll be coming for you!
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