Today as I was working out at the gym enjoying the NCAA Tournament, I saw the breaking news ticker at the bottom of the screen..Officer Shot....and my heart sank. We run this risk every time we dress in our blues and put on that shiny badge. But unfortunately he didn't make it. DOA. I didn't find out until later that he had sadly passed away, or else the fitness center would have seen my embarrasig reaction. He was only 38 years old and had spent the last 11 years as an officer and has survive a brush with death in December.
Today his name will forever be etched into a memorial for fallen heroes so that generations will come to know about his love for serving and protecting. And his name will be among those of fallen heroes read in Washington D.C. in few months.
Today we lost one of the good guys, one of our own, and one of my brothers. I have never heard his name prior today and may I, those who served alongside him and especially those who he served, never forget his name after today.
Officer Morelli, End of Watch, March 21, 2008.
"End of watch" :(( This is so sad. Becareful out there faf.
May the God of all comfort speak peace to your heart, and that of his family and fellow officers.
Since my bro-in-law is now a retired police officer, I don't have anyone to thank for keeping the home country a safe place. So I'll thank you, and your guys, even though I'm not there, I am thankful.
(maybe I'll send you a link to a post I wrote after our insane serial burgler struck for the third time)
i am so sorry for your loss and the country's loss! really sad.
Thank you Batoul. I think we sometimes don't want to seem imtimidating, so we get too relaxed and let our guard down. Then some punk takes advantage of that.
Kinzi, thank you for your prayers. God surely watched over your BIL ( I hope he's enjoying his retirement), and may he continue to watch over all of us. We understand the risks associated with the job, but we still patrol without fear and with honor.
YFA, thank you so much. What a loss it really is. I didn't realize how much this would effect me. As I drove out today and saw police cars patroling with the look of gloom on officers faces, it hit me again. No matter how far or how close, these always hit too close to home.
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