Call me what you like but I really don't care for mensaf too much. Sometimes I refuse to eat it, other times I will just have a little. Of course my favorite part of it are the toasted nuts on it, snobar (pine nuts) and almonds! I always request my own little bowl be toasted...even when invited to dinner at others homes...yep, I'm not too shy to have my own requests. There were only a few of us this evening for mensaf so we didn't go all out with the serving tray overflowing. There was just enough, so that we wouldn't have left overs. Enjoy the pictures...
It looks gooooooooodddd
I like Mansaf like this it looks like manasef el monasabat !
sa7tainnnnnn! and you dont even invite us, whats up with that?!
Looks great!
Where is the recipe? :)
You've just described me. :D
I don't really care for Mansaf either, if it's there I eat! And I really like el snoabr and the loaz, I like them too much. :D
Yeah, like Summer said, where is the recipe?? I'm looking for one,I have never had Mansaf and I would like to try it..It looks good :)
shiklo zaaaaki.. biddi
yalla sa7tain, bs please next time make sure to have enough for every body if u wanna post pictures like that :D
Lost Within, It was better than it looked ;-)
Batoul, ummmm the invite got lost in the mail. Next time you'll get your own tray.
Summer, recipe, can I make one up. I wish I could cook this well. Next time it will be a video recipe.
jasimd, yeah, it's tough saying you don't like our national dish. We are brave souls!
Noura, next time I post I will try to include a recipe...but this one spans generations, so I might get kicked out of the family for divulging it! :-)
Tala, unfortunately there is none left. Would you like an invite for the next time?
Maioush, do you think that if we ship it out to the west coast, it will be ok when it arrives? We can try to vaccum pack it!
Mansaf is the best food EVAR!!!
bakkouz, wow you really feel strongly about it! LOL.
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